Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Pitch Perfect is my all time favorite movie. Its the only movie i can watch over an over and not get bored. Since I've watched this movie plenty of times I'm able to quote most of the lines in the movie. Pitch Perfect is a musical but with a love story involved so obviously there is drama in it as well. As well its a comedy. I find it being really funny. 

 In the movie there is competition between the different groups of musicals and its pretty interesting. 
Whats amazing and so unique about this type of musicals its that its all acapella. 
Which means are sounds are played only with their mouth.Even though there are rivals and competition in the movie there is a drama and love story involved too. Both are them aren't permitted to date or see each other but they still do. 

I  certainly don't enjoy watching all types of musicals specially because they don't seem so realistic but Pitch Perfect is different. Musicals are usually in high school but this one is a college version which means its not childish. I would recommend this movie because its very entertaining to all audiences. 



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